Stakeholders who gathered in the Road Fund Boardroom on Friday were impressed with the final product as the eSpotfine system was presented and demonstrated at a joint meeting organized by Road Fund.
The eSpotfine is aimed at assisting stakeholders namely the Lesotho Mounted Police Service (LMPS), Department of Traffic and Transport (DTT) and Road Fund to increase revenue collection by easily capturing spotfines as well as tracking unpaid ones.
The system consists of an administrative web based tool and a device that looks like a cellphone and almost works like one, except it is able to capture offender details and vehicle details, and is also able to print out a ticket to the offender.
Following the approval of the system, it is going to be tested out in the field to ensure that it works as designed. This will be followed by intense stakeholder engagement on the system, so that everyone who will use it comprehends how it works.
A training of trainers will be the next step after which users namely Traffic Police Officers and Transport Inspectors will be trained on the system, before it is fully rolled out to the districts.
The road users will also be educated about the system so that they know what to expect ones it is implemented.
The meeting was attended by stakeholders including representatives from LMPS, Road Safety Department, Magistrate Courts and Road Fund staff.
The system has cost Road Fund close to M14,00000.00.