Frequently Asked Questions
Answers to commonly asked questions about the Road Fund mandate are accessible here. If you do not find what you are looking for, please feel free to directly contact Road Fund on contacts provided; for further assistance. Thank you for visiting the website, we hope you find the answers you are looking for.
Road Fund was established under the Section 21(3) of the Public Financial Management and Accountability Act 2011 and operationalised by the Finance (Road Fund) Regulations 2012. It is a government Parastatal responsible for collection and disbursement of funds for the maintenance, upgrading and rehabilitation as well as construction of new roads on Lesotho’s road network.
Road Fund is financed through the collection of road user charges including but not limited to Road Maintenance Levy, Toll gate Fees, Motor Vehicle Licences and Permits, Fines on Road Traffic Offences and Vehicle Registration Fees.
The Road Fund is mandated to collect road user charges and disburse same towards road works including Road Safety Projects.
No, Road Fund collects funds and disburse to Roads Implementing Agencies to undertake road maintenance works in accordance to their annual plans. The Road Implementing Agencies are: Roads Directorate, Ministry of Local Government and Chieftainship, Maseru City Council and Road Safety Department.
The Road Fund Lesotho is managed by a Board of Directors, appointed by the Minister of Finance. The day-to-day operations of the Road Fund Secretariat are overseen by the Chief Executive Officer.
The Road Fund does not operate like the Road Accident Fund at all. The Road Accident Fund provide compulsory cover to all South African road users, be they citizens or foreigners, against injuries sustained or death arising from accidents involving motor vehicles within the borders of South Africa.
On the other hand, Road Fund does not deal with accidents at all. It is confined to collection and disbursement of revenue only. Road Safety Department also gets a share for road user safety programmes.