About Us

A Welcome Note By The
Chief Executive Officer

A very warm welcome to the Road Fund website! We are delighted that you have chosen us and you are about to explore this very interesting site. We have just face lifted it in accordance to our brand identity, and we hope that it will, without doubt, meet your information needs and expectations.

It remains our intention to keep our stakeholders well versed on the activities within the Road Fund. The website is one of our communication channels where we fully engage stakeholders, by providing information and news updates and maintaining ongoing connection and strong relations with stakeholders in the country and beyond.


Matsepang Sekhokoane Chief Executive Officer
Our Vision
We are committed to enhance Lesotho’s economy through efficient revenue collection and disbursements towards road infrastructure.
Strategic Statement
We aspire to harness effective and efficient collection and disbursement of funds, cognizant of highest moral, business standards and sound stakeholder management.

The Fund is managed by a Board of Directors who are appointed by the responsible Minister from the following Government Ministries and relevant sectors:


Construction and maintenance of roads


Passenger transport sector

Freight transport sector

Law society of Lesotho

Engineering discipline

Consumer organisation

Head of the Road Fund secretariat


How We Fund Projects

In order to finance road infrastructure projects, revenue is collected from the following sources: road toll gate fees, all cross border fees and levies, registration, licences and clearance fees on motor vehicles, short-term permits and special permits for motor vehicles, road maintenance levy of petrol and diesel, fines on overloaded goods vehicles, fines for road traffic offences, interest earned on deposited funds, cost share paid into the Fund by community councils for works on urban and rural community roads, any other road user charges and any sums appropriated to the Fund, including donor funding.

We will continually share newsworthy activities in categories on this platform for ease of your consumption. You can read about who we are, thereby understanding our mandate more. We will update you on a variety of road works projects we finance and implemented through our Implementing Agencies and projects implemented by the Road Fund Secretariat. You will also have access to career and tender opportunities which we will always publish when they present themselves.

This platform also has for your access; important documents, including our Annual Reports and Legislation that govern our existence. Because we are a responsible Corporate citizen, we will not miss keeping you up to date about initiatives that we undertake through our Corporate Social Responsibility programme!

Welcome and a happy browsing!

M. Sekhokoane

Mrs. 'Matśepang Sekhokoane

Chief Executive Officer

About Road Fund

About Road Fund Road Funds in Africa were established under the Sub-Saharan Africa Transport Policy Programme (SSATP) which is a joint initiative of the World Bank and the United National Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA). 

Historically, the Road Fund was established by the Lesotho Government under the Finance Order 1988 and operationalised through Finance (Roads Fund) Notice 1995 (Legal Notice 179/1995). The Road Fund continued operations under the said legal regime until 2005 when the Finance (Road Fund) Regulations 2005 were issued. 

With the coming into effect of the Public Financial Management and Accountability Act 2011 (PFMA 2011), the Road Fund Secretariat would then form part of funds established under the Section 21(3) of the PFMA and operationalised by the Finance (Road Fund) Regulations 2012 and is dedicated to collection of revenue and disbursement of funds for maintenance of roads. 

The reason for establishing the Fund, like many other countries in the world, was to shift the burden of financing maintenance of Lesotho’s road infrastructure from general taxes collected by the central government to road user fees, and to close the persistent financing gaps that characterized road maintenance prior to the establishment of the Fund. 

In order to finance road infrastructure projects, revenue is collected from the following sources: road toll gate fees, all cross border fees and levies, registration, licences and clearance fees on motor vehicles, short-term permits and special permits for motor vehicles, road maintenance levy of petrol and diesel, fines on overloaded goods vehicles, fines for road traffic offences, interest earned on deposited funds, cost share paid into the Fund by community councils for works on urban and rural community roads, any other road user charges and any sums appropriated to the Fund, including donor funding. 

The Road Fund finances routine, emergency and periodic maintenance of all roads in Lesotho, road rehabilitation, road upgrading, new road works, road safety projects and any other project or matter connected with roads. The administrative costs are also catered for from the Fund’s collection. 

The Fund is managed by a Board of Directors whilst day to day activities of the Fund are administered by the Secretariat which is headed by the Chief Executive Officer. 

The overall proprietorship of the Fund lies with the Ministry responsible for Finance. The Road Fund is an active member of the African Road Maintenance Funds Association (ARMFA) through its Sourthen African arm known as ARMFA Southern Africa Focal Group (ASAFG). The purpose for its membership is to exchange knowledge with its peer organisations in other countries as well as to benchmark its processes amongst the best in the continent.

Our Mandate


We are committed to enhance Lesotho’s economy through efficient revenue collection and disbursements towards road infrastructure.

Core Values

  • Transparency 
  • Responsibility
  • Accountability
  • Integrity
  • Team Spirit At All Levels


To effectively and efficiently collect revenue and disburse funds for safe road infrastructure 


Government Of Lesotho

African Road Maintenance Funds Association

Roads Directorate

Maseru City Council

Road Safety Department

Revenue Services Lesotho