In an effort to improve relations with its stakeholders, the Road Fund is currently conducting one on one stakeholder engagement meetings, which commenced on Thursday April 25 and will end on Friday May 10, 2019.
The aim of the meetings is to build and further cement relations with stakeholders that the Fund works with, especially because in order to deliver on its mandate, the Fund depends on these stakeholders, as they influence and impact on its performance and delivery of results.
During the meetings, led by the Road Fund Chief Executive Mr. Nkekeletse Makara, the Road Fund’s mandate is presented and discussed, in order for stakeholders to comprehend what the Fund is tasked to do.
Also discussed during meetings include amongst others, the current relationship between the two agencies, improved ways of engagement and communication, expectations from each other, challenges and the meetings culminate with mapping of the way forward.
The Stakeholders that the Fund is scheduled to hold meetings with are the Road Implementing Agencies namely Roads Directorate, Maseru City Council and Ministry of Local Government. For roads user safety the relevant stakeholder is the Road Safety Department.
Other stakeholders are the streams where the Fund collects revenue from namely the Department of Traffic and Transport, Lesotho Revenue Authority, Traffic Police as well as Oil Companies.
The Government Offices that the Fund works with will also be engaged, these are the Minister of Finance, Accountant General, Auditor General and Director Energy kids bounce house.
The Road Fund, which was established by Legal Notice No.179 of 1995 and operationalised by the Finance (Road Fund) Regulations 2012 is dedicated to the funding of maintenance of roads.
The main reason for establishing the Fund, like many other countries in the World, was to shift the burden of financing maintenance of Lesotho’s road infrastructure from general taxes collected by the central government to road user fees, and to close the persistent financing gaps that characterized road maintenance prior to the establishment of the Fund.