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Moshoeshoe Rd, Maseru

Road Fund announces an increase in Toll Gate Fees

Road Fund announces an increase in Toll Gate Fees

Road users are informed that Toll Gate Fees have increased in all Ports of Entry with effect from April 01, 2022.

For locally Registered Vehicles the rates are as follows:

Class 1: Motor Cycle and Light Vehicles designed or adopted for conveyance of people or freight with no heavy axle

From M50.00 to M55.00

Class 2: Medium Heavy Vehicles designed or adopted for conveyance of people or freight with heavy axle

From M90.00 to M95.00

Class 3:  Large Heavy Vehicles designed or adopted for conveyance of    people or freight with 3 axles

From M130.00 to M135.00

Class 4: Extra-Large Heavy Vehicles designed or adopted for conveyance of people or freight with 4 or more axles

From M310.00 to M325.00

For Foreign Registered Vehicles the rates are as follows:

Class 1: Motor Cycle and Light Vehicles designed or adopted for conveyance of people or freight with no heavy axle

From M70.00 to M75.00

Class 2:  Medium Heavy Vehicles designed or adopted for conveyance of people or freight with heavy axle

From M120.00 to M125.00

Class 3:  Large Heavy Vehicles designed or adopted for conveyance of    people or freight with 3 axles

From M180.00 to M190.00

Class 4: Extra-Large Heavy Vehicles designed or adopted for conveyance of people or freight with 4 or more axles

From M430.00 to M450.00

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