The Road Fund Lesotho is taking part in the African Roads Maintenance Funds Association (ARMFA) Annual General Assembly, hosted by the Road Fund in Senegal from May 09 to 15, 2022.
The Road Fund Lesotho Team is led by the Board Chairperson Mr. Makotoko Makotoko along with the Chief Executive Officer Mr. Nkekeletse Makara and two senior officials of the Fund.
The purpose of the meeting is for the Road Funds in Africa to keep abreast with developments in the funding of the road sector, and for the regional representatives to report on annual progress in their respective regions which are affiliates of ARMFA.
The Annual General Assembly is conducted under the theme “Sustainability of Road Maintenance Funds”. The same theme was debated at regional level meetings earlier in the year, and the discussions on the subject matter culminates at this meeting.
Also to form part of discussions at the AGA are; Road Sector and Transport programme for Africa and how it impacts the Road Funds, Transport Mobility and Systems in Africa, Strengthening of relationships between Road Funds and Roads Authorities as well as utilization of Technology to increase efficiency.
The Road Fund Lesotho hosted the ARMFA Southern Africa Focal Group known as ASAFG in February 2022 to prepare for this meeting, and a joint regional report has been compiled for tabling at this meeting.
To ensure a coordinated management of ARMFA, member countries have been clustered into four regional focal groups; West African Focal Group, Southern African Focal Group, Central African Focal Group and East African Focal Group.
ARMFA is a non-profit making and non-political association that was founded in the year 2003 in Libreville, Gabon. The aim is to provide a platform and establish a network for experience and information sharing on leading road maintenance practices in Africa; to discuss and find opportunities on funding options and to promote and strengthen links between members of African Road Funds.
The last Annual General Assembly was held virtually due to COVID-19 restrictions.