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New ARMFA Executive Board Inaugurated

New ARMFA Executive Board Inaugurated

The newly elected African Road Maintenance Funds Association (ARMFA) Executive Board has been inaugurated, at the handing over ceremony hosted by the Road Fund Administration in Swakopmund, Namibia on Tuesday May 23, 2023.

The ceremony followed the election of a new Executive Board, which was elected during the recent 20th Annual General Assembly, hosted by the Road Fund in Mozambique at the beginning of April.

The outgoing President of ARMFA Mr. Ali Ipinge, also the Chief Executive Officer of Road Fund Administration in Namibia, handed over the reigns to the incoming President, the Chief Executive Officer of Road Fund in Cameroon Mr. Moussa Essaie.

The Road Fund Chief Executive Officer Mr. Nkekeletse Makara is a member of the new ARMFA Executive Board, in his capacity as the Chairperson of the ARMFA Southern Africa Focal group.

He attended the inaugural ceremony accompanied by the Heads of Corporate Communications and Human Resources and Administration.

ARMFA is a non-profit making and non-political association that was founded in the year 2003 in Libreville, Gabon. The aim is to form a platform and a network for experience and information sharing on the practices of financing road maintenance in Africa. To date it is constituted of 36 members from most Road Funds in Africa.

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