The introduction of the Automated Traffic Justice System is aimed at improving work flow between departments that deal with traffic offences resulting from contraventions of the Road Traffic laws of the country.
It is for this reason that the Road Fund Officials in collaboration with those from the Lesotho Mounted Police Services, Prosecution, Judiciary and Engidata embarked on sensitization meetings in all districts, to educate stakeholders about the system, so as to get buy in from all who would be involved in its implementation.
The Automated Traffic Justice system breaks the silo and traditional way of dealing with traffic offences manually, as it is an integrated system that is intended to emanate from the LMPS’s eSpot fine, and will go to Prosecution and all the way to the Courts of Law, until the offender is convicted and the case is closed accordingly.
The system is also an improvement on the eSpot fine, which was only operated within the jurisdictions of the LMPS. Upon its implementation it became eminent that it would be more effective when Prosecution and Judiciary are included in the work flow.
Stakeholders have therefore appreciated the system and have made suggestions on its improvement. The developer, Engidata is currently incorporating such suggestions in preparation to pilot the system in Maseru, before it is rolled out to other districts.
The Automated Traffic Justice System project is supported financially by Road Fund, while LMPS, Prosecution and Judiciary are the users; and Engidata is the developer of the system.
The invitees to the sensitization meetings were LMPS Traffic Department, Prosecution, Judiciary, DA’s Office, Public Transport Associations, Community Councils and the media.