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Stakeholders Convene to Validate Road Safety Strategy

Stakeholders Convene to Validate Road Safety Strategy

The Road Safety Department (RSD) has convened stakeholders for a two-day workshop aimed at validating the newly developed ten-year Road Safety Strategy, held in Maseru recently.

Funded by the Road Fund, the Road Safety Strategy has been developed through a consultative process whereto stakeholders convened prior to the development of the Strategy to brainstorm on the contents of the Strategy, hence its validation before it is finalized.

Speaking on behalf of the Funder, the Road Fund Chief Executive Officer Mr. Nkekeletse Makara commended the Road Safety Department for a job well done, confirming that the document is well structured and clearly articulates where the country wants to go in as far as road safety issues are concerned.

He said strategic planning is important to an organization because it provides a sense of direction and outlines measurable goals, adding that the Department is therefore on the right track with this initiative, as they will be able to check progress based on the goals they set for themselves for the coming ten years.

He concluded by pleading with the Road Safety Department to ensure that the document is not only well written but it should also be implemented accordingly, adding that many well written documents end up on the shelves gathering dust.

Officiating the meeting on behalf of the Minister of Transport, the Principal Secretary of the Ministry of Transport Mr. Maile Masoebe thanked Road Fund for funding the initiative, saying that the Strategy will provide guidance on key road safety interventions aimed at saving Basotho’s lives on the roads.

“The significance of the Strategic Plan lies not only on its successful development by on

its implementation as well, so as to ensure that the set targets are archived in line with

significant change in behaviour of the road users and safety on the roads as outlined by the document,” he reiterated.

The Consultant who assisted in the development of the Strategy Dr. Maluke Letete presented the Strategy to participants, who validated its contents. Developed under the theme “Towards zero road fatalities” he highlighted the five goals of the Strategy being improve road user behaviour, improve safety on the roads, improve vehicle compatibility and passenger protection, improve trauma and medical care services and improve road safety policy and programmes including support to road safety initiatives.

The development of the Strategy has been sponsored by Road Fund for over M700,000.00, even though the process was stalled by a number of challenges including that of COVID-19 whereto the Department was not able to access all the funds.



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