The Road Fund Management Team embarked on a one-week countrywide tour to the revenue collection agencies of the Road Fund, during the first week of July.
The purpose of the tour was to engage in a formal stakeholder engagement, in an effort to improve working relations, with main focus on Revenue Collection Agencies namely the Lesotho Revenue Authority (LRA), Sub-Accountancies and the Department of Traffic and Transport (DTT). The Commissioner of Traffic and Transport was also part of the tour.
The tour provided a great opportunity to meet colleagues in different agencies and to understand first hand any successes, challenges or any other issues that arise in the day to day business; with focus being on the particular Road Fund revenue streams and systems that are used by the collection agencies.
These include permits revenue collected at the DTT, levies collected by the LRA at the Borders (toll fees) and all other fees payable at Sub-Accountancies. During the tour all the ten (10) district were visited inflatable tent.
The revenue streams are a very critical part of the organization as if they do not function properly, the collection will be poor and that will affect the condition of roads in the country.
Road Fund is out to cement relations with stakeholders that it works with, especially because in order to deliver on its mandate, the Fund depends on these stakeholders, as they influence and impact on its performance and delivery of results.
The Road Fund, which was established by Legal Notice No.179 of 1995 and operationalised by the Finance (Road Fund) Regulations 2012 is dedicated to the funding of maintenance of roads.