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Road Fund CEO engages Minister of Local Government and Chieftainship

Road Fund CEO engages Minister of Local Government and Chieftainship

Healthy and sustainable stakeholder relations are one of the key ingredients in achieving the Fund’s organizational goals.

It is for this reason that the Road Fund Chief Executive Officer Mr. Nkekeletse Makara held a meeting   with the Minister of Local Government and Chieftainship Mr. Moshe Leoma at his offices in Maseru.

The aim of the meeting was to jointly assess the working relations and to agree on strategies for collaboration in order to deliver anticipated results on the maintenance of roads that will benefit road users.

Also present in the meeting was the Ministry’s Principal Secretary Mr. Lefu Manyokole and Engineers from the Ministry and the Fund.

The Road Fund maintains relations with its stakeholders at various levels being technical and high level engagement meetings, because in its nature, the Fund upholds the principle of stakeholder engagement highly in its agenda.

The Road Fund finances routine, emergency and periodic maintenance of roads under the Ministry including the Maseru City Council which is answerable to the Ministry.

The CEO will also meet Heads of other Road Implementing Agencies in due course.

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