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Road Fund CEO, COMPOL Reflect on Working Relations

Road Fund CEO, COMPOL Reflect on Working Relations

The Road Fund CEO Mrs. ‘Matšepang Sekhokoane and Commissioner of Police Adv. Borotho Matsoso have reflected on working relations between the two organisations, during a courtesy call to the Lesotho Mounted Police Service (LMPS) Headquarters on Tuesday August 06, 2024.

Among issues discussed by the two Principals include the electronic Spot Fine system which LMPS is implementing through support from the Road Fund.

They agreed on the importance to fully and effectively implement the system, not only for revenue collection on road traffic offences, but to ensure that road users abide by the traffic laws, hence safety on the roads.

They further discussed other issues of mutual interest to the two organisations, including areas of concern, possible solutions and collaboration for the future.

This was the first meet and greet meeting between the two Principals, who recently both assumed their tour of duties at Road Fund and LMPS respectively.

LMPS is one of the collecting agencies for the Road Fund, they collect road traffic offences through the eSpot Fine system, which is now fully automated, through funding from Road Fund.

Media contacts:

Phumla Moleko (Mrs.)

Head of Corporate Communications

Road Fund

Tel: +266 22216036

Email: molekop@roadfund.org.ls

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