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Moshoeshoe Rd, Maseru

Know Your Car Campaign For Women Underway

Know Your Car Campaign For Women Underway

Because road user safety is critical for the success of the Road Safety Department, and because the Road Fund has been entrusted to ensure that safety in the roads is achieved through relevant sponsorship, the Know Your Car Campaign for Women commenced in Maseru today and will end on Saturday.

The Road Safety Department realized that most women are not so knowledgeable with cars, so they requested the Road Fund to sponsor the Campaign so that women are educated freely on basics of the cars they drive.

“Today we showed people, mostly of which were women, basic things they should know about their cars such as wheel fitting, brake pad and disks inspection, basic principles of engine operation, oil and other fluids inspection, amongst others,” said the Road Safety Senior Inspector Ms. ‘Malitšitso Ntlama.

Other issues that were demonstrated were the electrics and electronics including fuse inspection and lights and bulb replacement, as well as general safety of the car which entails manual referencing, body and paint work care as well as fuel saving techniques.

The Campaign is held in collaboration with Lerotholi Polytechnic Lecturers and Students who are technocrats on the subject matter.

The campaign continues tomorrow Saturday August 31, 2019 near Sethaleng sa Mopapa in Maseru. The same Campaign will be held in the Butha-Buthe district in December 2019.

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