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Electronic National Traffic System to Improve Revenue Collection – Minister

Electronic National Traffic System to Improve Revenue Collection – Minister

The Minister of Public Works and Transport Mr. Maliehe Prince Maliehe says the Electronic National Traffic System (eNaTIS) will improve efficiency of the Department of Traffic and Transport (DTT), not only on shortening the vehicle registration time but on revenue collection as well.

He said this while launching the eNaTIS at a recent media conference hosted by his Ministry, in its Headquarters in Maseru.

He explained that improved revenue collection will enable government to access all levies due to it, and will enable government agencies such as the Road Fund to deliver on their mandate efficiently and as per expectation.

He said the move to the new system was prompted by the increase in traffic on the country’s roads, explaining that the previous system known as National Traffic Information System (NaTIS) was no longer relevant and could not meet the needs of Basotho.

The Minister further indicated that the new system will assist the government to know the exact number of registered vehicles per district, thereby planning roads construction and maintenance in accordance to the traffic needs of such a district.

“The eNatis, like NaTIS bounce house, was piloted in the two districts of Maseru and Leribe, it has now been introduced to the other four district namely Mokhotlong, Thaba-Tseka, Qacha’s Nek and Quthing, the remaining districts are to be covered as well and system should be live throughout the country before end of March 2019,” He explained.

He alerted Basotho that while registering through eNaTIS, they should bring to DTT their Identify document and vehicle’s blue card (if it is a renewal), just for assurance that the person registering is the rightful owner of the vehicle.

He concluded by showcasing the two documents that are to be generated by the system while registering. The one that replaces the blue card namely the Registration Certificate and Motor Vehicle License which contains the disc.

Project eNaTIS is implemented by the Department of Traffic and Transport and supported technically and financially by the Road Fund. Out of a budget of about M12 Million, over M4 Million has been spent on the Project to date.

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