The African Road Maintenance Funds Association (ARMFA) has set up its first ever head office in Nairobi, Kenya.
The ARMFA Executive Committee convened in Nairobi during the week of 28 to 31, August 2023, to officially open the offices and to inaugurate the newly appointed ARMFA Executive Secretary, who will head the office and oversee its operations.
The decision to host the ARMFA Head office in Nairobi was reached during the ARMFA Annual General Meeting held in Dakar Senegal in May 2022, owing to its status as a financial and transportation hub as well as its prevailing political stability.
The Road Fund Chief Executive Officer Mr. Nkekeletse Makara attended this Executive Committee function, he is a member of ARMFA Executive Board in his capacity as the Chairperson of the ARMFA Southern Africa Focal group (ASAFG).
ARMFA is a 34 Member nonpolitical and nonprofit continental Association established in 2003 as a platform for networking and sharing of experiences, knowledge and information on best practices of financing road maintenance in Africa. It supports promotion and strengthening of ties amongst Road Funds in Africa and ensures sustainability and advocacy with road sector institutions towards adequate financing of roads.